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Generics Javascript

Some common/generic javascript methods are available.

User messages

A div "user-messages" is reserved for user messages.

Success message

Javascript function:

// the second parameter is optionnal by default #user-messages id is used

Success Message

Error message

Javascript function:

// the second parameter is optionnal by default #user-messages id is used

Error Message

Modal Confirm dialog

Javascript function:

   * open a confirm dialog based on bootstrap modal
   * @param okFn callback function to call on ok confirm
   * @param okMessage message in the ok button
   * @param cancelMessage message in the cancel button
   * @param title title of the modal box
   * @param bodyText html content of the modal box
  openDialogConfirm=function(okFn, okMessage, cancelMessage, title,bodyText){

Modal Confirm dialog