Apache Archiva Redback Runtime Configuration
Apache Redback User Manager/RbacManager Implementations
You can choose to switch dynamically
- User Manager Implementations (from Database and/or LDAP).
- RbacManager Implementations (from Database and/or LDAP): to manage if roles management comes from Database and/or LDAP.

LDAP configuration
LDAP configuration can now be done via an UI and it's now dynamic (no more need of using vi to edit a file :-) ) and no more need of restarting.
You can test your ldap configuration too.

LDAP Group-Roles mapping
You can map dynamically LDAP Group to Archiva Roles

Runtime properties
You can now too modify some Redback configuration properties. You have a help button which explains to you what the property is doing.

Users Cache
You can enable/disable users cache and configure various ttl values