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Checkstyle Results

The following document contains the results of Checkstyle 5.7. rss feed


Files  Info  Warnings  Errors
7 0 34 395


Category Rule Violations Severity
blocks LeftCurly
  • option: "nl"
73  Error
NeedBraces 4  Error
  • option: "alone"
28  Error
coding HiddenField
  • ignoreConstructorParameter: "true"
  • ignoreSetter: "true"
1  Warning
  • ignoreNumbers: "-4, -3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 31, 32, 37, 64, 100, 128, 256, 512, 1000, 1024"
2  Error
javadoc JavadocMethod
  • scope: "protected"
33  Warning
naming ConstantName 1  Error
sizes LineLength
  • max: "120"
  • ignorePattern: "@version|@see|@todo|TODO"
1  Error
whitespace ParenPad
  • option: "space"
265  Error
WhitespaceAround 21  Error



Severity Category Rule Message Line
 Error whitespace ParenPad '(' is not followed by whitespace. 40
 Error whitespace ParenPad ')' is not preceded with whitespace. 40
 Error naming ConstantName Name 'lockFiles' must match pattern '^[A-Z][A-Z0-9]*(_[A-Z0-9]+)*$'. 47
 Error blocks LeftCurly '{' should be on a new line. 67
 Error whitespace ParenPad '(' is not followed by whitespace. 68
 Error whitespace ParenPad ')' is not preceded with whitespace. 68
 Error blocks RightCurly '}' should be alone on a line. 69
 Error whitespace ParenPad '(' is not followed by whitespace. 69
 Error whitespace ParenPad ')' is not preceded with whitespace. 69
 Error blocks LeftCurly '{' should be on a new line. 69
 Error whitespace ParenPad '(' is not followed by whitespace. 70
 Error whitespace WhitespaceAround '+' is not preceded with whitespace. 70
 Error whitespace WhitespaceAround '+' is not followed by whitespace. 70
 Error whitespace ParenPad ')' is not preceded with whitespace. 70
 Error blocks RightCurly '}' should be alone on a line. 118
 Error blocks LeftCurly '{' should be on a new line. 118
 Error whitespace WhitespaceAround '=' is not preceded with whitespace. 121
 Error whitespace WhitespaceAround '=' is not followed by whitespace. 121
 Error blocks LeftCurly '{' should be on a new line. 154
 Error blocks RightCurly '}' should be alone on a line. 156
 Error whitespace ParenPad '(' is not followed by whitespace. 156
 Error whitespace ParenPad ')' is not preceded with whitespace. 156
 Error blocks LeftCurly '{' should be on a new line. 156
 Error whitespace ParenPad '(' is not followed by whitespace. 157
 Error whitespace WhitespaceAround '+' is not preceded with whitespace. 157
 Error whitespace WhitespaceAround '+' is not followed by whitespace. 157
 Error whitespace ParenPad ')' is not preceded with whitespace. 157
 Error blocks RightCurly '}' should be alone on a line. 208
 Error blocks LeftCurly '{' should be on a new line. 208
 Error whitespace WhitespaceAround '=' is not preceded with whitespace. 211
 Error whitespace WhitespaceAround '=' is not followed by whitespace. 211
 Error whitespace ParenPad '(' is not followed by whitespace. 239
 Error whitespace ParenPad ')' is not preceded with whitespace. 239
 Error blocks LeftCurly '{' should be on a new line. 282
 Error whitespace ParenPad '(' is not followed by whitespace. 283
 Error whitespace ParenPad ')' is not preceded with whitespace. 283


Severity Category Rule Message Line
 Error whitespace ParenPad '(' is not followed by whitespace. 47
 Error whitespace ParenPad ')' is not preceded with whitespace. 47
 Error whitespace ParenPad '(' is not followed by whitespace. 48
 Error whitespace WhitespaceAround '}' is not preceded with whitespace. 48
 Error whitespace ParenPad ')' is not preceded with whitespace. 48
 Error blocks LeftCurly '{' should be on a new line. 49
 Error whitespace ParenPad '(' is not followed by whitespace. 51
 Error whitespace ParenPad ')' is not preceded with whitespace. 51
 Error whitespace ParenPad '(' is not followed by whitespace. 54
 Error whitespace ParenPad ')' is not preceded with whitespace. 54
 Error blocks LeftCurly '{' should be on a new line. 58
 Error whitespace ParenPad '(' is not followed by whitespace. 61
 Error whitespace ParenPad ')' is not preceded with whitespace. 61
 Error whitespace ParenPad '(' is not followed by whitespace. 65
 Error whitespace ParenPad '(' is not followed by whitespace. 65
 Error whitespace ParenPad ')' is not preceded with whitespace. 65
 Error whitespace ParenPad ')' is not preceded with whitespace. 65
 Error whitespace ParenPad '(' is not followed by whitespace. 67
 Error whitespace ParenPad '(' is not followed by whitespace. 67
 Error whitespace ParenPad ')' is not preceded with whitespace. 67
 Error whitespace ParenPad ')' is not preceded with whitespace. 67
 Error whitespace ParenPad '(' is not followed by whitespace. 69
 Error whitespace ParenPad ')' is not preceded with whitespace. 69
 Error blocks LeftCurly '{' should be on a new line. 70
 Error blocks LeftCurly '{' should be on a new line. 77
 Error whitespace ParenPad '(' is not followed by whitespace. 83
 Error whitespace ParenPad ')' is not preceded with whitespace. 83
 Error blocks LeftCurly '{' should be on a new line. 83
 Error whitespace ParenPad '(' is not followed by whitespace. 86
 Error whitespace ParenPad ')' is not preceded with whitespace. 86
 Error blocks LeftCurly '{' should be on a new line. 86
 Error blocks LeftCurly '{' should be on a new line. 87
 Error whitespace ParenPad '(' is not followed by whitespace. 88
 Error whitespace ParenPad ')' is not preceded with whitespace. 89
 Error blocks RightCurly '}' should be alone on a line. 91
 Error whitespace ParenPad '(' is not followed by whitespace. 91
 Error whitespace ParenPad ')' is not preceded with whitespace. 91
 Error blocks LeftCurly '{' should be on a new line. 91
 Error blocks LeftCurly '{' should be on a new line. 98
 Error blocks LeftCurly '{' should be on a new line. 99
 Error whitespace ParenPad '(' is not followed by whitespace. 100
 Error whitespace ParenPad ')' is not preceded with whitespace. 100
 Error whitespace ParenPad '(' is not followed by whitespace. 101
 Error whitespace ParenPad ')' is not preceded with whitespace. 101
 Error blocks LeftCurly '{' should be on a new line. 102
 Error whitespace ParenPad '(' is not followed by whitespace. 103
 Error whitespace ParenPad ')' is not preceded with whitespace. 103
 Error whitespace ParenPad '(' is not followed by whitespace. 104
 Error whitespace ParenPad ')' is not preceded with whitespace. 104
 Error blocks RightCurly '}' should be alone on a line. 105
 Error blocks LeftCurly '{' should be on a new line. 105
 Error whitespace ParenPad '(' is not followed by whitespace. 106
 Error whitespace ParenPad ')' is not preceded with whitespace. 106
 Error whitespace ParenPad '(' is not followed by whitespace. 108
 Error whitespace ParenPad ')' is not preceded with whitespace. 108
 Error blocks RightCurly '}' should be alone on a line. 110
 Error whitespace ParenPad '(' is not followed by whitespace. 110
 Error whitespace ParenPad ')' is not preceded with whitespace. 110
 Error blocks LeftCurly '{' should be on a new line. 110
 Error whitespace ParenPad '(' is not followed by whitespace. 111
 Error whitespace ParenPad ')' is not preceded with whitespace. 111
 Error blocks LeftCurly '{' should be on a new line. 118
 Error blocks LeftCurly '{' should be on a new line. 119
 Error whitespace ParenPad '(' is not followed by whitespace. 120
 Error whitespace ParenPad ')' is not preceded with whitespace. 120
 Error whitespace ParenPad '(' is not followed by whitespace. 121
 Error whitespace ParenPad ')' is not preceded with whitespace. 121
 Error blocks LeftCurly '{' should be on a new line. 122
 Error whitespace ParenPad '(' is not followed by whitespace. 123
 Error whitespace ParenPad ')' is not preceded with whitespace. 123
 Error whitespace ParenPad '(' is not followed by whitespace. 124
 Error whitespace ParenPad ')' is not preceded with whitespace. 124
 Error blocks RightCurly '}' should be alone on a line. 125
 Error blocks LeftCurly '{' should be on a new line. 125
 Error whitespace ParenPad '(' is not followed by whitespace. 126
 Error whitespace ParenPad ')' is not preceded with whitespace. 126
 Error whitespace ParenPad '(' is not followed by whitespace. 128
 Error whitespace ParenPad ')' is not preceded with whitespace. 128
 Error blocks RightCurly '}' should be alone on a line. 130
 Error whitespace ParenPad '(' is not followed by whitespace. 130
 Error whitespace ParenPad ')' is not preceded with whitespace. 130
 Error blocks LeftCurly '{' should be on a new line. 130
 Error whitespace ParenPad '(' is not followed by whitespace. 131
 Error whitespace ParenPad ')' is not preceded with whitespace. 131
 Error blocks LeftCurly '{' should be on a new line. 139
 Error blocks LeftCurly '{' should be on a new line. 140
 Error whitespace ParenPad '(' is not followed by whitespace. 141
 Error whitespace ParenPad ')' is not preceded with whitespace. 141
 Error whitespace ParenPad '(' is not followed by whitespace. 142
 Error whitespace ParenPad ')' is not preceded with whitespace. 142
 Error blocks LeftCurly '{' should be on a new line. 144
 Error whitespace ParenPad '(' is not followed by whitespace. 145
 Error whitespace ParenPad ')' is not preceded with whitespace. 145
 Error whitespace ParenPad '(' is not followed by whitespace. 146
 Error whitespace ParenPad '(' is not followed by whitespace. 147
 Error whitespace ParenPad ')' is not preceded with whitespace. 147
 Error whitespace ParenPad ')' is not preceded with whitespace. 147
 Error blocks RightCurly '}' should be alone on a line. 148
 Error blocks LeftCurly '{' should be on a new line. 148
 Error whitespace ParenPad '(' is not followed by whitespace. 149
 Error whitespace ParenPad ')' is not preceded with whitespace. 149
 Error blocks NeedBraces 'if' construct must use '{}'s. 150
 Error whitespace ParenPad '(' is not followed by whitespace. 150
 Error whitespace WhitespaceAround '!=' is not preceded with whitespace. 150
 Error whitespace WhitespaceAround '!=' is not followed by whitespace. 150
 Error whitespace ParenPad ')' is not preceded with whitespace. 150
 Error whitespace ParenPad '(' is not followed by whitespace. 152
 Error whitespace ParenPad ')' is not preceded with whitespace. 152
 Error blocks RightCurly '}' should be alone on a line. 154
 Error whitespace ParenPad '(' is not followed by whitespace. 154
 Error whitespace ParenPad ')' is not preceded with whitespace. 154
 Error blocks LeftCurly '{' should be on a new line. 154
 Error whitespace ParenPad '(' is not followed by whitespace. 155
 Error whitespace ParenPad ')' is not preceded with whitespace. 155
 Error blocks LeftCurly '{' should be on a new line. 163
 Error blocks LeftCurly '{' should be on a new line. 164
 Error whitespace ParenPad '(' is not followed by whitespace. 165
 Error whitespace ParenPad ')' is not preceded with whitespace. 165
 Error whitespace ParenPad '(' is not followed by whitespace. 166
 Error whitespace ParenPad ')' is not preceded with whitespace. 166
 Error blocks LeftCurly '{' should be on a new line. 167
 Error whitespace ParenPad '(' is not followed by whitespace. 168
 Error whitespace ParenPad ')' is not preceded with whitespace. 168
 Error whitespace ParenPad '(' is not followed by whitespace. 169
 Error whitespace ParenPad ')' is not preceded with whitespace. 169
 Error blocks RightCurly '}' should be alone on a line. 170
 Error blocks LeftCurly '{' should be on a new line. 170
 Error whitespace ParenPad '(' is not followed by whitespace. 171
 Error whitespace ParenPad ')' is not preceded with whitespace. 171
 Error whitespace ParenPad '(' is not followed by whitespace. 173
 Error whitespace ParenPad ')' is not preceded with whitespace. 173
 Error blocks RightCurly '}' should be alone on a line. 175
 Error whitespace ParenPad '(' is not followed by whitespace. 175
 Error whitespace ParenPad ')' is not preceded with whitespace. 175
 Error blocks LeftCurly '{' should be on a new line. 175
 Error whitespace ParenPad '(' is not followed by whitespace. 176
 Error whitespace ParenPad ')' is not preceded with whitespace. 176
 Error blocks LeftCurly '{' should be on a new line. 184
 Error blocks LeftCurly '{' should be on a new line. 185
 Error whitespace ParenPad '(' is not followed by whitespace. 186
 Error whitespace ParenPad ')' is not preceded with whitespace. 186
 Error whitespace ParenPad '(' is not followed by whitespace. 187
 Error whitespace ParenPad ')' is not preceded with whitespace. 187
 Error blocks LeftCurly '{' should be on a new line. 188
 Error whitespace ParenPad '(' is not followed by whitespace. 189
 Error whitespace ParenPad ')' is not preceded with whitespace. 189
 Error whitespace ParenPad '(' is not followed by whitespace. 190
 Error whitespace ParenPad ')' is not preceded with whitespace. 190
 Error blocks RightCurly '}' should be alone on a line. 191
 Error blocks LeftCurly '{' should be on a new line. 191
 Error whitespace ParenPad '(' is not followed by whitespace. 192
 Error whitespace ParenPad ')' is not preceded with whitespace. 192
 Error whitespace ParenPad '(' is not followed by whitespace. 194
 Error whitespace ParenPad ')' is not preceded with whitespace. 194
 Error blocks RightCurly '}' should be alone on a line. 196
 Error whitespace ParenPad '(' is not followed by whitespace. 196
 Error whitespace ParenPad ')' is not preceded with whitespace. 196
 Error blocks LeftCurly '{' should be on a new line. 196
 Error whitespace ParenPad '(' is not followed by whitespace. 197
 Error whitespace ParenPad ')' is not preceded with whitespace. 197
 Error blocks LeftCurly '{' should be on a new line. 205
 Error blocks LeftCurly '{' should be on a new line. 206
 Error whitespace ParenPad '(' is not followed by whitespace. 207
 Error whitespace ParenPad ')' is not preceded with whitespace. 207
 Error whitespace ParenPad '(' is not followed by whitespace. 208
 Error whitespace ParenPad ')' is not preceded with whitespace. 208
 Error blocks LeftCurly '{' should be on a new line. 210
 Error whitespace ParenPad '(' is not followed by whitespace. 211
 Error whitespace ParenPad ')' is not preceded with whitespace. 211
 Error whitespace ParenPad '(' is not followed by whitespace. 212
 Error whitespace ParenPad ')' is not preceded with whitespace. 212
 Error blocks RightCurly '}' should be alone on a line. 213
 Error blocks LeftCurly '{' should be on a new line. 213
 Error whitespace ParenPad '(' is not followed by whitespace. 214
 Error whitespace ParenPad ')' is not preceded with whitespace. 214
 Error blocks NeedBraces 'if' construct must use '{}'s. 215
 Error whitespace ParenPad '(' is not followed by whitespace. 215
 Error whitespace WhitespaceAround '!=' is not preceded with whitespace. 215
 Error whitespace WhitespaceAround '!=' is not followed by whitespace. 215
 Error whitespace ParenPad ')' is not preceded with whitespace. 215
 Error whitespace ParenPad '(' is not followed by whitespace. 217
 Error whitespace ParenPad ')' is not preceded with whitespace. 217
 Error blocks RightCurly '}' should be alone on a line. 219
 Error whitespace ParenPad '(' is not followed by whitespace. 219
 Error whitespace ParenPad ')' is not preceded with whitespace. 219
 Error blocks LeftCurly '{' should be on a new line. 219
 Error whitespace ParenPad '(' is not followed by whitespace. 220
 Error whitespace ParenPad ')' is not preceded with whitespace. 220
 Error blocks LeftCurly '{' should be on a new line. 228
 Error blocks LeftCurly '{' should be on a new line. 229
 Error whitespace ParenPad '(' is not followed by whitespace. 230
 Error whitespace ParenPad ')' is not preceded with whitespace. 230
 Error whitespace ParenPad '(' is not followed by whitespace. 231
 Error whitespace ParenPad ')' is not preceded with whitespace. 231
 Error blocks LeftCurly '{' should be on a new line. 232
 Error whitespace ParenPad '(' is not followed by whitespace. 233
 Error whitespace ParenPad ')' is not preceded with whitespace. 233
 Error whitespace ParenPad '(' is not followed by whitespace. 234
 Error whitespace ParenPad ')' is not preceded with whitespace. 234
 Error blocks RightCurly '}' should be alone on a line. 235
 Error blocks LeftCurly '{' should be on a new line. 235
 Error whitespace ParenPad '(' is not followed by whitespace. 236
 Error whitespace ParenPad ')' is not preceded with whitespace. 236
 Error whitespace ParenPad '(' is not followed by whitespace. 238
 Error whitespace ParenPad ')' is not preceded with whitespace. 238
 Error blocks RightCurly '}' should be alone on a line. 240
 Error whitespace ParenPad '(' is not followed by whitespace. 240
 Error whitespace ParenPad ')' is not preceded with whitespace. 240
 Error blocks LeftCurly '{' should be on a new line. 240
 Error whitespace ParenPad '(' is not followed by whitespace. 241
 Error whitespace ParenPad ')' is not preceded with whitespace. 241
 Error blocks LeftCurly '{' should be on a new line. 249
 Error blocks LeftCurly '{' should be on a new line. 250
 Error whitespace ParenPad '(' is not followed by whitespace. 251
 Error whitespace ParenPad ')' is not preceded with whitespace. 251
 Error whitespace ParenPad '(' is not followed by whitespace. 252
 Error whitespace ParenPad ')' is not preceded with whitespace. 252
 Error blocks LeftCurly '{' should be on a new line. 254
 Error whitespace ParenPad '(' is not followed by whitespace. 255
 Error whitespace ParenPad ')' is not preceded with whitespace. 255
 Error whitespace ParenPad '(' is not followed by whitespace. 256
 Error whitespace ParenPad ')' is not preceded with whitespace. 256
 Error blocks RightCurly '}' should be alone on a line. 257
 Error blocks LeftCurly '{' should be on a new line. 257
 Error whitespace ParenPad '(' is not followed by whitespace. 258
 Error whitespace ParenPad ')' is not preceded with whitespace. 258
 Error blocks NeedBraces 'if' construct must use '{}'s. 259
 Error whitespace ParenPad '(' is not followed by whitespace. 259
 Error whitespace WhitespaceAround '!=' is not preceded with whitespace. 259
 Error whitespace WhitespaceAround '!=' is not followed by whitespace. 259
 Error whitespace ParenPad ')' is not preceded with whitespace. 259
 Error whitespace ParenPad '(' is not followed by whitespace. 261
 Error whitespace ParenPad ')' is not preceded with whitespace. 261
 Error blocks RightCurly '}' should be alone on a line. 263
 Error whitespace ParenPad '(' is not followed by whitespace. 263
 Error whitespace ParenPad ')' is not preceded with whitespace. 263
 Error blocks LeftCurly '{' should be on a new line. 263
 Error whitespace ParenPad '(' is not followed by whitespace. 264
 Error whitespace ParenPad ')' is not preceded with whitespace. 264
 Error blocks LeftCurly '{' should be on a new line. 272
 Error blocks LeftCurly '{' should be on a new line. 273
 Error whitespace ParenPad '(' is not followed by whitespace. 274
 Error whitespace ParenPad ')' is not preceded with whitespace. 274
 Error whitespace ParenPad '(' is not followed by whitespace. 275
 Error whitespace ParenPad ')' is not preceded with whitespace. 275
 Error blocks LeftCurly '{' should be on a new line. 276
 Error whitespace ParenPad '(' is not followed by whitespace. 277
 Error whitespace ParenPad ')' is not preceded with whitespace. 277
 Error whitespace ParenPad '(' is not followed by whitespace. 278
 Error whitespace ParenPad ')' is not preceded with whitespace. 278
 Error blocks RightCurly '}' should be alone on a line. 279
 Error blocks LeftCurly '{' should be on a new line. 279
 Error whitespace ParenPad '(' is not followed by whitespace. 280
 Error whitespace ParenPad ')' is not preceded with whitespace. 280
 Error whitespace ParenPad '(' is not followed by whitespace. 282
 Error whitespace ParenPad ')' is not preceded with whitespace. 282
 Error blocks RightCurly '}' should be alone on a line. 284
 Error whitespace ParenPad '(' is not followed by whitespace. 284
 Error whitespace ParenPad ')' is not preceded with whitespace. 284
 Error blocks LeftCurly '{' should be on a new line. 284
 Error whitespace ParenPad '(' is not followed by whitespace. 285
 Error whitespace ParenPad ')' is not preceded with whitespace. 285
 Error blocks LeftCurly '{' should be on a new line. 292
 Error blocks LeftCurly '{' should be on a new line. 293
 Error whitespace ParenPad '(' is not followed by whitespace. 294
 Error whitespace ParenPad ')' is not preceded with whitespace. 294
 Error whitespace ParenPad '(' is not followed by whitespace. 295
 Error whitespace ParenPad ')' is not preceded with whitespace. 295
 Error blocks LeftCurly '{' should be on a new line. 297
 Error whitespace ParenPad '(' is not followed by whitespace. 298
 Error whitespace ParenPad ')' is not preceded with whitespace. 298
 Error whitespace ParenPad '(' is not followed by whitespace. 299
 Error whitespace ParenPad ')' is not preceded with whitespace. 299
 Error blocks RightCurly '}' should be alone on a line. 300
 Error blocks LeftCurly '{' should be on a new line. 300
 Error whitespace ParenPad '(' is not followed by whitespace. 301
 Error whitespace ParenPad ')' is not preceded with whitespace. 301
 Error blocks NeedBraces 'if' construct must use '{}'s. 302
 Error whitespace ParenPad '(' is not followed by whitespace. 302
 Error whitespace WhitespaceAround '!=' is not preceded with whitespace. 302
 Error whitespace WhitespaceAround '!=' is not followed by whitespace. 302
 Error whitespace ParenPad ')' is not preceded with whitespace. 302
 Error whitespace ParenPad '(' is not followed by whitespace. 302
 Error whitespace ParenPad ')' is not preceded with whitespace. 302
 Error whitespace ParenPad '(' is not followed by whitespace. 304
 Error whitespace ParenPad ')' is not preceded with whitespace. 304
 Error blocks RightCurly '}' should be alone on a line. 306
 Error whitespace ParenPad '(' is not followed by whitespace. 306
 Error whitespace ParenPad ')' is not preceded with whitespace. 306
 Error blocks LeftCurly '{' should be on a new line. 306
 Error whitespace ParenPad '(' is not followed by whitespace. 307
 Error whitespace ParenPad ')' is not preceded with whitespace. 307
 Warning javadoc JavadocMethod Missing a Javadoc comment. 318
 Error blocks LeftCurly '{' should be on a new line. 319
 Error whitespace ParenPad '(' is not followed by whitespace. 320
 Error whitespace ParenPad ')' is not preceded with whitespace. 320
 Warning javadoc JavadocMethod Missing a Javadoc comment. 324
 Error blocks LeftCurly '{' should be on a new line. 326
 Error whitespace ParenPad '(' is not followed by whitespace. 327
 Error whitespace ParenPad ')' is not preceded with whitespace. 327
 Error whitespace ParenPad '(' is not followed by whitespace. 329
 Error coding MagicNumber '20' is a magic number. 329
 Error whitespace ParenPad ')' is not preceded with whitespace. 329
 Error whitespace ParenPad '(' is not followed by whitespace. 330
 Error whitespace ParenPad ')' is not preceded with whitespace. 330
 Error whitespace ParenPad '(' is not followed by whitespace. 331
 Error whitespace ParenPad ')' is not preceded with whitespace. 331


Severity Category Rule Message Line
 Error whitespace ParenPad '(' is not followed by whitespace. 42
 Error whitespace ParenPad ')' is not preceded with whitespace. 42
 Error whitespace ParenPad '(' is not followed by whitespace. 43
 Error whitespace ParenPad ')' is not preceded with whitespace. 43
 Error whitespace ParenPad '(' is not followed by whitespace. 50
 Error whitespace ParenPad ')' is not preceded with whitespace. 50
 Warning javadoc JavadocMethod Missing a Javadoc comment. 53
 Error coding MagicNumber '5000' is a magic number. 58
 Warning javadoc JavadocMethod Missing a Javadoc comment. 63
 Error whitespace ParenPad '(' is not followed by whitespace. 63
 Error whitespace ParenPad ')' is not preceded with whitespace. 63
 Error blocks LeftCurly '{' should be on a new line. 68
 Error whitespace ParenPad '(' is not followed by whitespace. 69
 Error whitespace ParenPad '(' is not followed by whitespace. 69
 Error whitespace ParenPad ')' is not preceded with whitespace. 69
 Error whitespace ParenPad ')' is not preceded with whitespace. 69
 Error whitespace ParenPad '(' is not followed by whitespace. 71
 Error whitespace ParenPad ')' is not preceded with whitespace. 71
 Error whitespace ParenPad '(' is not followed by whitespace. 73
 Error whitespace ParenPad '(' is not followed by whitespace. 73
 Error whitespace ParenPad ')' is not preceded with whitespace. 73
 Error whitespace ParenPad ')' is not preceded with whitespace. 73
 Error whitespace ParenPad '(' is not followed by whitespace. 75
 Error whitespace ParenPad ')' is not preceded with whitespace. 75
 Error blocks LeftCurly '{' should be on a new line. 77
 Error whitespace ParenPad '(' is not followed by whitespace. 78
 Error whitespace ParenPad ')' is not preceded with whitespace. 78
 Error blocks RightCurly '}' should be alone on a line. 79
 Error whitespace ParenPad '(' is not followed by whitespace. 79
 Error whitespace ParenPad ')' is not preceded with whitespace. 79
 Error blocks LeftCurly '{' should be on a new line. 79
 Error whitespace ParenPad '(' is not followed by whitespace. 80
 Error whitespace ParenPad ')' is not preceded with whitespace. 80
 Error whitespace ParenPad '(' is not followed by whitespace. 85
 Error whitespace ParenPad ')' is not preceded with whitespace. 85
 Error blocks RightCurly '}' should be alone on a line. 86
 Error whitespace ParenPad '(' is not followed by whitespace. 86
 Error whitespace ParenPad ')' is not preceded with whitespace. 86
 Error blocks LeftCurly '{' should be on a new line. 86
 Error whitespace ParenPad '(' is not followed by whitespace. 87
 Error whitespace ParenPad ')' is not preceded with whitespace. 87


Severity Category Rule Message Line
 Warning javadoc JavadocMethod Missing a Javadoc comment. 29


Severity Category Rule Message Line
 Warning javadoc JavadocMethod Expected an @return tag. 38
 Warning javadoc JavadocMethod Expected @param tag for 'file'. 38
 Warning javadoc JavadocMethod Expected @throws tag for 'FileLockException'. 39
 Warning javadoc JavadocMethod Expected @throws tag for 'FileLockTimeoutException'. 39
 Warning javadoc JavadocMethod Expected an @return tag. 48
 Warning javadoc JavadocMethod Expected @param tag for 'file'. 48
 Warning javadoc JavadocMethod Expected @throws tag for 'FileLockException'. 49
 Warning javadoc JavadocMethod Expected @throws tag for 'FileLockTimeoutException'. 49
 Warning javadoc JavadocMethod Missing a Javadoc comment. 51
 Warning javadoc JavadocMethod Missing a Javadoc comment. 54
 Warning javadoc JavadocMethod Missing a Javadoc comment. 56
 Warning javadoc JavadocMethod Missing a Javadoc comment. 58
 Warning javadoc JavadocMethod Missing a Javadoc comment. 60
 Warning javadoc JavadocMethod Missing a Javadoc comment. 62
 Error whitespace ParenPad ')' is not preceded with whitespace. 62


Severity Category Rule Message Line
 Warning javadoc JavadocMethod Missing a Javadoc comment. 29


Severity Category Rule Message Line
 Warning javadoc JavadocMethod Missing a Javadoc comment. 49
 Warning javadoc JavadocMethod Missing a Javadoc comment. 54
 Error sizes LineLength Line is longer than 120 characters (found 154). 59
 Error whitespace ParenPad '(' is not followed by whitespace. 59
 Error whitespace ParenPad ')' is not preceded with whitespace. 59
 Error whitespace ParenPad '(' is not followed by whitespace. 59
 Error whitespace ParenPad ')' is not preceded with whitespace. 59
 Warning javadoc JavadocMethod Missing a Javadoc comment. 62
 Warning javadoc JavadocMethod Missing a Javadoc comment. 67
 Warning javadoc JavadocMethod Missing a Javadoc comment. 72
 Warning javadoc JavadocMethod Missing a Javadoc comment. 77
 Warning javadoc JavadocMethod Missing a Javadoc comment. 82
 Warning javadoc JavadocMethod Missing a Javadoc comment. 87
 Error whitespace WhitespaceAround '!=' is not preceded with whitespace. 89
 Error whitespace WhitespaceAround '!=' is not followed by whitespace. 89
 Warning javadoc JavadocMethod Missing a Javadoc comment. 92
 Warning javadoc JavadocMethod Missing a Javadoc comment. 97
 Warning javadoc JavadocMethod Missing a Javadoc comment. 102
 Warning javadoc JavadocMethod Missing a Javadoc comment. 107
 Error whitespace ParenPad '(' is not followed by whitespace. 113
 Error whitespace WhitespaceAround '!=' is not preceded with whitespace. 113
 Error whitespace WhitespaceAround '!=' is not followed by whitespace. 113
 Error whitespace ParenPad ')' is not preceded with whitespace. 113
 Error blocks LeftCurly '{' should be on a new line. 113
 Error blocks RightCurly '}' should be alone on a line. 120
 Error blocks LeftCurly '{' should be on a new line. 120
 Warning javadoc JavadocMethod Missing a Javadoc comment. 132
 Warning coding HiddenField 'write' hides a field. 132