This project has retired. For details please refer to its Attic page.
Archiva – Archiva release process Fork me on GitHub

Archiva release process

  1. Post to the dev list a few days before you plan to do an Archiva release
  2. Recreate the staging repository on - make sure that it is not scanned (so that .index* is not created). You should delete the repository and create a new one. Your maven setting must contains the entry to be able to deploy.
  3. If there are changes in the parent pom, release parent pom –
    • mvn release:prepare (verify that it has been properly tagged)
    • mvn release:perform (verify that it has been deployed correctly in the staging repo)
  4. Update the parent pom version of archiva –
    • change the parent pom version to the archiva-parent version that has just been released
    • commit the changes made
  5. Update the release notes and the site.xml for version changes in archiva-docs
  6. Verify that the webapp-tests are building successfully.
    Since it is in a separate profile but inside the Archiva source tree, it will not be released but will still be included in the release tag. If some tests are failing, comment it out first so that only the passing tests are executed when the webapp-tests module are built from the tag.

    Currently, we do not use these tests anymore.

  7. Release archiva.
    You should have a GPG agent running (preferred), and confirm it works by running "gpg -ab" (type some text and press Ctrl-D). You my check, if the key is in your keyring: `gpg --list-secret-keys` If you do not have a GPG agent running, make sure that you have the "apache-release" profile set in your settings.xml as shown below.

    Set your user credentials for the stage repo in the servers section of your settings.xml for archiva-repository.releases.

    Prepare your environment: We use JDK 8 for compile and publish, as JDK 7 is not supported anymore.

    export JAVA_HOME=<PATH_TO_JDK8>
    export PATH=$JAVA_HOME/bin:$PATH
    export MAVEN_OPTS="-Xmx6144m -XX:MaxPermSize=512m" # It may work with less heap, but this is a safe value
    export JAVA_OPT="-Xmx6144m -XX:MaxPermSize=512m" 


    mvn release:prepare

    Check that it has been properly tagged. The tag name must be.. archiva-[VERSION].

    You can rollback with `mvn release:rollback`. If there are errors and you have to change files, you should run `mvn release:rollback` before changing any file.

    If all works fine, set execute the `release:perform` task

    export JAVA_HOME=<PATH_TO_JDK8>
    export PATH=$JAVA_HOME/bin:$PATH
    mvn release:perform

    The perform task will push to the repository, if it was successful. After successfully running this task, it's not possible to roll back.

    Download the uploaded files via wget:

    ARCHV="2.2.4" # Enter the new archiva version
    wget ${RELEASE_URL}/org/apache/archiva/archiva-jetty/${ARCHV}/archiva-jetty-${ARCHV}-bin.tar.gz
    wget ${RELEASE_URL}/org/apache/archiva/archiva-jetty/${ARCHV}/archiva-jetty-${ARCHV}-bin.tar.gz.asc
    wget ${RELEASE_URL}/org/apache/archiva/archiva-jetty/${ARCHV}/archiva-jetty-${ARCHV}
    wget ${RELEASE_URL}/org/apache/archiva/archiva-jetty/${ARCHV}/archiva-jetty-${ARCHV}
    # Verify the signatures:
    gpg -v archiva-jetty-${ARCHV}
    gpg -v archiva-jetty-${ARCHV}-bin.tar.gz.asc

    The documentation is deployed as part of the process to the final location for review in the vote:

    git checkout archiva-${ARCHV} # Checkout the release version of archiva
    cd archiva-doc
    mvn site:site
    mvn site:stage  # Check the content in target/staging
    mkdir <web-content-git>/docs/${ARCHV}
    cp -r target/staging/* <web-content-git>/docs/${ARCHV}/ # Copy to the git web content repository

    Reference documentation

    git checkout archiva-${ARCHV} # Checkout the release version of archiva
    cd archiva-modules
    mvn site:site
    mvn site:stage  # Check the content in target/staging
    mkdir <web-content-git>/ref/${ARCHV}
    cp -r target/staging/* <web-content-git>/ref/${ARCHV}/ # Copy to the git web content repository

    Archiva site information

    Update the archiva site ( for the versions and release notes URL:

    Mostly these properties of the pom.xml should be edited:

      <archivaReleaseDate>16th May 2019</archivaReleaseDate>

    Release information may be updated. Update Security information.

    Run The script will prepare the site locally and provide information how to check the content before pushing to the remote repository.

    cd archiva-site
    # You can check the files locally, if you press y after the message is presented, it will be pushed to the asf-staging branch

    The site can be checked at: The downloads do not work on the staged site.

    Commit the sources and binaries from org/apache/archiva/archiva-jetty and org/apache/archiva/archiva to the svn distribution tree. First in dev tree:

    svn co archiva-dev-release
    cd archiva-dev-release
    sh ./ $ARCHV ${RELEASE_URL}/
    cd $ARCHV/bin
    cd ../src/
    # Check the output
    # For parent pom or redback:
    POMV=18  # New Parent POM version
    sh ./ $POMV ${RELEASE_URL}/
    REDBV=2.6 # New redback version
    sh ./ $REDBV ${RELEASE_URL}/

    If the vote passes the binaries must be copied to release tree:

    Call for a vote in the dev list and wait for 72 hrs. for the vote results. 3 binding votes are necessary for the release to be finalized. If the vote fails or needs to be canceled, the version number should not be re-used if the version was made available for public download. After the vote has passed, move the files from dist dev to dist release:

    svn mv${ARCHV}
    # Move also the POM and Redback and Redback Component releases, if there are new ones.

    It needs some time until the download packages are available on the CDN.

    Merge the archiva-releases-stage to archiva-releases on (Action -> Merge on the stage repository)

    To sync the jars to Maven Central, you need to merge the repository archiva-releases-stage to "Central Rsync Repository"

    Mark the appropriate release version in JIRA as complete.

    When the new download packages are available over the download page you can remove previous versions from https:d//

    Publish the docs:

    cd archiva-web-content
    git checkout master
    git pull
    git merge asf-staging
    git push

    Send out an announcement (Simple Text Email, no Rich-Text) of the release to:


    If there are security incidents that should be published after release, please check the Apache information for further actions.

    And finally remove old versions from the distribution directory. All versions that are not mentioned in the download page should be removed:

    svn del -m"Archiving release 2.2.x"

    See also: