The following is a list of compile dependencies for this project. These dependencies are required to compile and run the application:
GroupId | ArtifactId | Version | Type |
com.atlassian.xmlrpc | atlassian-xmlrpc-binder | 0.9 | jar |
org.apache.archiva | archiva-xmlrpc-api | 1.3.5 | jar |
org.slf4j | jcl-over-slf4j | 1.5.8 | jar |
org.slf4j | slf4j-simple | 1.5.8 | jar |
The following is a list of test dependencies for this project. These dependencies are only required to compile and run unit tests for the application:
GroupId | ArtifactId | Version | Type |
easymock | easymock | 1.2_Java1.3 | jar |
easymock | easymockclassextension | 1.2 | jar |
junit | junit | 3.8.1 | jar |
The following is a list of transitive dependencies for this project. Transitive dependencies are the dependencies of the project dependencies.
The following is a list of compile dependencies for this project. These dependencies are required to compile and run the application:
GroupId | ArtifactId | Version | Type |
aopalliance | aopalliance | 1.0 | jar |
backport-util-concurrent | backport-util-concurrent | 3.0 | jar |
com.atlassian.xmlrpc | atlassian-xmlrpc-binder-annotations | 0.9 | jar |
com.atlassian.xmlrpc | atlassian-xmlrpc-binder-server | 0.9 | jar |
com.atlassian.xmlrpc | atlassian-xmlrpc-binder-support | 0.9 | jar |
commons-beanutils | commons-beanutils | 1.8.0 | jar |
commons-cli | commons-cli | 1.0 | jar |
commons-codec | commons-codec | 1.4 | jar |
commons-collections | commons-collections | 3.2 | jar |
commons-configuration | commons-configuration | 1.3 | jar |
commons-digester | commons-digester | 1.6 | jar |
commons-httpclient | commons-httpclient | 3.1 | jar |
commons-io | commons-io | 1.4 | jar |
commons-jxpath | commons-jxpath | 1.2 | jar |
commons-lang | commons-lang | 2.2 | jar |
dom4j | dom4j | 1.6.1 | jar |
geronimo-spec | geronimo-spec-jta | 1.0.1B-rc2 | jar |
javax.jdo | jdo2-api | 2.0 | jar |
jaxen | jaxen | 1.1 | jar |
jdom | jdom | 1.0 | jar |
net.sf.ehcache | ehcache | 1.3.0 | jar |
net.sf.jsr107cache | jsr107cache | 1.0 | jar |
net.sourceforge.jchardet | jchardet | 1.0 | jar |
org.apache.archiva | archiva-checksum | 1.3.5 | jar |
org.apache.archiva | archiva-common | 1.3.5 | jar |
org.apache.archiva | archiva-configuration | 1.3.5 | jar |
org.apache.archiva | archiva-consumer-api | 1.3.5 | jar |
org.apache.archiva | archiva-indexer | 1.3.5 | jar |
org.apache.archiva | archiva-model | 1.3.5 | jar |
org.apache.archiva | archiva-policies | 1.3.5 | jar |
org.apache.archiva | archiva-repository-layer | 1.3.5 | jar |
org.apache.archiva | archiva-xml-tools | 1.3.5 | jar |
org.apache.lucene | lucene-core | 2.4.1 | jar |
org.apache.lucene | lucene-queries | 2.4.1 | jar |
org.apache.maven | maven-artifact | 2.0.8 | jar |
org.apache.maven | maven-artifact-manager | 2.0.8 | jar |
org.apache.maven | maven-model | 2.0.8 | jar |
org.apache.maven | maven-repository-metadata | 2.0.8 | jar |
org.apache.maven.archetype | archetype-common | 2.0-alpha-1 | jar |
org.apache.maven.wagon | wagon-provider-api | 1.0-beta-5 | jar | | ws-commons-util | 1.0.2 | jar |
org.apache.xmlrpc | xmlrpc-client | 3.1 | jar |
org.apache.xmlrpc | xmlrpc-common | 3.1 | jar |
org.apache.xmlrpc | xmlrpc-server | 3.1 | jar |
org.codehaus.plexus | plexus-classworlds | 1.2-alpha-7 | jar |
org.codehaus.plexus | plexus-cli | 1.2 | jar |
org.codehaus.plexus | plexus-component-annotations | 1.0-beta-3.0.5 | jar |
org.codehaus.plexus | plexus-component-api | 1.0-alpha-22 | jar |
org.codehaus.plexus | plexus-digest | 1.1 | jar |
org.codehaus.plexus | plexus-expression-evaluator | 1.0-rc1 | jar |
org.codehaus.plexus | plexus-utils | 1.4.5 | jar |
org.codehaus.plexus | plexus-velocity | 1.1.3 | jar |
org.codehaus.plexus.cache | plexus-cache-api | 1.0-alpha-2 | jar |
org.codehaus.plexus.cache | plexus-cache-ehcache | 1.0-alpha-2 | jar |
org.codehaus.plexus.registry | plexus-registry-api | 1.0-alpha-2 | jar |
org.codehaus.plexus.registry | plexus-registry-commons | 1.0-alpha-2 | jar |
org.slf4j | slf4j-api | 1.5.8 | jar | | nexus-indexer | 2.0.0 | jar |
org.springframework | spring-beans | 2.5.6 | jar |
org.springframework | spring-context | 2.5.6 | jar |
org.springframework | spring-core | 2.5.6 | jar |
xalan | xalan | 2.7.0 | jar |
xerces | xercesImpl | 2.8.1 | jar |
xml-apis | xml-apis | 1.0.b2 | jar |
The following is a list of test dependencies for this project. These dependencies are only required to compile and run unit tests for the application:
GroupId | ArtifactId | Version | Type |
cglib | cglib-nodep | 2.1 | jar |
EasyMock 2 License (MIT License): Easymock Class Extensions
Mozilla Public License 1.1 (MPL 1.1): Java port of Mozilla charset detector
Public Domain: AOP alliance, Backport of JSR 166
Apache 2: Atlassian XML-RPC Binder, Atlassian XML-RPC Binder Annotations, Atlassian XML-RPC Binder Server Components, Atlassian XML-RPC Binder Support, Lucene Core, Lucene Queries
Unknown: CLI, EasyMock 1.2_Java1.3, JCL 1.1.1 implemented over SLF4J, JDO2 API, Plexus CLI, Plexus Cache API, Plexus Cache Provider :: ehcache, Plexus Classworlds, Plexus Component API, Plexus Digest / Hashcode Components, Plexus Expression Evaluator Components, Plexus Registry Api, Plexus Registry commons-configuration, Plexus Velocity Component, SLF4J API Module, SLF4J Simple Binding, Unnamed - commons-digester:commons-digester:jar:1.6, Unnamed - geronimo-spec:geronimo-spec-jta:jar:1.0.1B-rc2, Unnamed - jdom:jdom:jar:1.0, Unnamed - xalan:xalan:jar:2.7.0, cglib, dom4j, jaxen, jsr107cache
Apache License: HttpClient
Common Public License Version 1.0: JUnit
The Apache Software License, Version 2.0: Apache WebServices Common Utilities, Apache XML-RPC Client Library, Apache XML-RPC Common Library, Apache XML-RPC Server Library, Archiva Base :: Common, Archiva Base :: Configuration, Archiva Base :: Indexer, Archiva Base :: Model, Archiva Base :: Policies, Archiva Base :: XML Tools, Archiva Checksum, Archiva Consumer API, Archiva Repository Interface Layer, Archiva Web :: XML-RPC API, Archiva Web :: XML-RPC Client, Collections, Commons BeanUtils, Commons Codec, Commons Configuration, Commons IO, Ehcache Core, JXPath, Lang, Maven Archetype Common, Maven Artifact, Maven Artifact Manager, Maven Model, Maven Repository Metadata Model, Maven Wagon API, Plexus :: Component Annotations, Plexus Common Utilities, Spring Framework: Beans, Spring Framework: Context, Spring Framework: Core, XML Commons External Components XML APIs, Xerces2 Java Parser
Eclipse Public License: Sonatype Nexus: Indexer
Filename | Size | Entries | Classes | Packages | JDK Rev | Debug |
aopalliance-1.0.jar | 4.36 kB | 15 | 9 | 2 | 1.3 | debug |
backport-util-concurrent-3.0.jar | 320.13 kB | 251 | 239 | 5 | 1.4 | debug |
cglib-nodep-2.1.jar | 316.30 kB | 262 | 258 | 10 | 1.1 | debug |
atlassian-xmlrpc-binder-0.9.jar | 9.80 kB | 16 | 6 | 1 | 1.5 | debug |
atlassian-xmlrpc-binder-annotations-0.9.jar | 3.64 kB | 14 | 4 | 1 | 1.5 | release |
atlassian-xmlrpc-binder-server-0.9.jar | 6.96 kB | 14 | 4 | 1 | 1.5 | debug |
atlassian-xmlrpc-binder-support-0.9.jar | 4.74 kB | 12 | 2 | 1 | 1.5 | debug |
commons-beanutils-1.8.0.jar | 225.90 kB | 155 | 137 | 6 | 1.3 | debug |
commons-cli-1.0.jar | 29.41 kB | 27 | 20 | 1 | 1.1 | debug |
commons-codec-1.4.jar | 56.80 kB | 47 | 30 | 5 | 1.4 | debug |
commons-collections-3.2.jar | 557.87 kB | 477 | 458 | 12 | 1.1 | debug |
commons-configuration-1.3.jar | 227.46 kB | 151 | 134 | 8 | 1.3 | debug |
commons-digester-1.6.jar | 164.50 kB | 115 | 95 | 6 | 1.2 | debug |
commons-httpclient-3.1.jar | 297.85 kB | 183 | 167 | 8 | 1.2 | debug |
commons-io-1.4.jar | 106.49 kB | 93 | 76 | 5 | 1.3 | debug |
commons-jxpath-1.2.jar | 278.42 kB | 187 | 165 | 16 | 1.2 | debug |
commons-lang-2.2.jar | 237.32 kB | 139 | 123 | 9 | 1.1 | debug |
dom4j-1.6.1.jar | 306.54 kB | 208 | 190 | 14 | 1.3 | debug |
easymock-1.2_Java1.3.jar | 35.93 kB | 37 | 32 | 2 | 1.3 | debug |
easymockclassextension-1.2.jar | 11.67 kB | 14 | 8 | 2 | 1.3 | debug |
geronimo-spec-jta-1.0.1B-rc2.jar | 13.15 kB | 23 | 17 | 2 | 1.4 | debug |
jdo2-api-2.0.jar | 80.58 kB | 100 | 84 | 5 | 1.3 | debug |
jaxen-1.1.jar | 221.22 kB | 236 | 214 | 17 | 1.2 | debug |
jdom-1.0.jar | 149.66 kB | 87 | 75 | 8 | 1.1 | debug |
junit-3.8.1.jar | 118.23 kB | 119 | 100 | 6 | 1.1 | debug |
ehcache-1.3.0.jar | 230.58 kB | 162 | 133 | 15 | 1.4 | debug |
jsr107cache-1.0.jar | 8.08 kB | 19 | 9 | 1 | 1.1 | debug |
jchardet-1.0.jar | 25.98 kB | 35 | 29 | 1 | 1.2 | release |
archiva-checksum-1.3.5.jar | 13.63 kB | 17 | 4 | 1 | 1.5 | debug |
archiva-common-1.3.5.jar | 17.37 kB | 22 | 7 | 2 | 1.5 | debug |
archiva-configuration-1.3.5.jar | 68.47 kB | 57 | 36 | 3 | 1.5 | debug |
archiva-consumer-api-1.3.5.jar | 12.04 kB | 23 | 8 | 2 | 1.5 | debug |
archiva-indexer-1.3.5.jar | 20.10 kB | 26 | 8 | 2 | 1.5 | debug |
archiva-model-1.3.5.jar | 154.08 kB | 58 | 41 | 3 | 1.5 | debug |
archiva-policies-1.3.5.jar | 25.45 kB | 36 | 17 | 2 | 1.5 | debug |
archiva-repository-layer-1.3.5.jar | 128.20 kB | 95 | 60 | 15 | 1.5 | debug |
archiva-xml-tools-1.3.5.jar | 20.31 kB | 20 | 6 | 1 | 1.5 | debug |
archiva-xmlrpc-api-1.3.5.jar | 13.62 kB | 23 | 7 | 2 | 1.5 | debug |
lucene-core-2.4.1.jar | 803.51 kB | 555 | 536 | 13 | 1.4 | debug |
lucene-queries-2.4.1.jar | 32.26 kB | 27 | 18 | 2 | 1.4 | debug |
maven-artifact-2.0.8.jar | 85.86 kB | 106 | 77 | 15 | 1.4 | debug |
maven-artifact-manager-2.0.8.jar | 55.34 kB | 46 | 24 | 7 | 1.4 | debug |
maven-model-2.0.8.jar | 84.58 kB | 60 | 45 | 2 | 1.4 | debug |
maven-repository-metadata-2.0.8.jar | 24.00 kB | 23 | 6 | 2 | 1.4 | debug |
archetype-common-2.0-alpha-1.jar | 226.88 kB | 147 | 106 | 21 | 1.4 | debug |
wagon-provider-api-1.0-beta-5.jar | 51.92 kB | 62 | 41 | 8 | 1.4 | debug |
ws-commons-util-1.0.2.jar | 33.60 kB | 36 | 23 | 2 | 1.2 | debug |
xmlrpc-client-3.1.jar | 44.07 kB | 52 | 40 | 2 | 1.1 | debug |
xmlrpc-common-3.1.jar | 101.60 kB | 125 | 110 | 6 | 1.1 | debug |
xmlrpc-server-3.1.jar | 73.54 kB | 66 | 53 | 3 | 1.1 | debug |
plexus-classworlds-1.2-alpha-7.jar | 41.64 kB | 48 | 33 | 5 | 1.1 | debug |
plexus-cli-1.2.jar | 7.49 kB | 14 | 2 | 1 | 1.1 | debug |
plexus-component-annotations-1.0-beta-3.0.5.jar | 4.01 kB | 15 | 3 | 1 | 1.5 | release |
plexus-component-api-1.0-alpha-22.jar | 32.88 kB | 66 | 43 | 10 | 1.4 | debug |
plexus-digest-1.1.jar | 13.30 kB | 27 | 14 | 1 | 1.4 | debug |
plexus-expression-evaluator-1.0-rc1.jar | 8.31 kB | 21 | 7 | 2 | 1.1 | debug |
plexus-utils-1.4.5.jar | 200.24 kB | 116 | 92 | 9 | 1.3 | debug |
plexus-velocity-1.1.3.jar | 7.73 kB | 17 | 4 | 1 | 1.1 | debug |
plexus-cache-api-1.0-alpha-2.jar | 14.75 kB | 32 | 16 | 4 | 1.4 | debug |
plexus-cache-ehcache-1.0-alpha-2.jar | 7.99 kB | 18 | 3 | 1 | 1.4 | debug |
plexus-registry-api-1.0-alpha-2.jar | 17.49 kB | 23 | 12 | 1 | 1.4 | debug |
plexus-registry-commons-1.0-alpha-2.jar | 8.77 kB | 16 | 2 | 1 | 1.4 | debug |
jcl-over-slf4j-1.5.8.jar | 16.70 kB | 23 | 9 | 2 | 1.3 | debug |
slf4j-api-1.5.8.jar | 22.90 kB | 32 | 21 | 3 | 1.3 | debug |
slf4j-simple-1.5.8.jar | 7.41 kB | 15 | 5 | 1 | 1.3 | debug |
nexus-indexer-2.0.0.jar | 144.10 kB | 127 | 102 | 12 | 1.5 | debug |
spring-beans-2.5.6.jar | 476.84 kB | 327 | 297 | 15 | 1.5 | debug |
spring-context-2.5.6.jar | 465.76 kB | 407 | 344 | 48 | 1.5 | debug |
spring-core-2.5.6.jar | 278.80 kB | 214 | 212 | 19 | 1.5 | debug |
xalan-2.7.0.jar | 2.60 MB | 1,267 | 1,205 | 42 | 1.1 | debug |
xercesImpl-2.8.1.jar | 1.16 MB | 950 | 882 | 38 | 1.1 | release |
xml-apis-1.0.b2.jar | 106.76 kB | 217 | 184 | 17 | 1.2 | release |
Total | Size | Entries | Classes | Packages | JDK Rev | Debug |
72 | 11.60 MB | 8,872 | 7,583 | 520 | 1.5 | 67 |
compile: 68 | compile: 11.13 MB | compile: 8,440 | compile: 7,185 | compile: 500 | - | compile: 63 |
test: 4 | test: 482.13 kB | test: 432 | test: 398 | test: 20 | - | test: 4 |
Repo ID | URL | Release | Snapshot | Blacklisted |
tycho | | Yes | - | - | | | - | Yes | - |
codehaus.snapshots | | - | Yes | - |
maven.eclipse | | Yes | Yes | - |
apache.snapshots | | - | Yes | - | | | - | Yes | - |
codehaus-snapshots | | - | Yes | - |
snapshots | | - | Yes | Yes |
apache-snapshots | | - | Yes | - |
central | | Yes | - | - |
redback.snapshots | | - | Yes | - |
Repository locations for each of the Dependencies.