Note: failures are anticipated and checked for with assertions while errors are unanticipated.
Note: package statistics are not computed recursively, they only sum up all of its testsuites numbers.
| Class | Tests | Errors | Failures | Skipped | Success Rate | Time |
 | ManagedRepositoryProjectResolverTest | 4 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 100% | 0.585 |
| Class | Tests | Errors | Failures | Skipped | Success Rate | Time |
 | RepositoryContentConsumersTest | 7 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 100% | 0.667 |
 | RepositoryScannerTest | 8 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 100% | 1.788 |
| Class | Tests | Errors | Failures | Skipped | Success Rate | Time |
 | EffectiveProjectModelFilterTest | 4 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 100% | 0.92 |
 | ProjectModelExpressionExpanderTest | 2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 100% | 0.896 |
| Class | Tests | Errors | Failures | Skipped | Success Rate | Time |
 | ProjectModel400WriterTest | 4 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 100% | 0.847 |
| Class | Tests | Errors | Failures | Skipped | Success Rate | Time |
 | ProjectModel300ReaderTest | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 100% | 0.088 |
 | ProjectModel400ReaderTest | 2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 100% | 0.635 |
| Class | Tests | Errors | Failures | Skipped | Success Rate | Time |
 | MetadataToolsTest | 21 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 100% | 2.526 |
 | RepositoryMetadataReaderTest | 2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 100% | 0.171 |
 | RepositoryMetadataWriterTest | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 100% | 0.063 |
 | testBadPathMissingType | 0.069 |
 | testBadPathReleaseInSnapshotDir | 0.065 |
 | testBadPathTimestampedSnapshotNotInSnapshotDir | 0.106 |
 | testBadPathTooShort | 0.062 |
 | testBadPathVersionMismatchA | 0.06 |
 | testBadPathVersionMismatchB | 0.096 |
 | testBadPathWrongArtifactId | 0.12 |
 | testGoodButOddVersionSpecGanymedSsh2 | 0.105 |
 | testGoodButOddVersionSpecJavaxComm | 0.052 |
 | testGoodButOddVersionSpecJavaxPersistence | 0.077 |
 | testGoodComFooTool | 0.066 |
 | testGoodCommonsLang | 0.163 |
 | testGoodDashedArtifactId | 0.061 |
 | testGoodDotNotationArtifactId | 0.053 |
 | testGoodDotNotationSameGroupIdAndArtifactId | 0.114 |
 | testGoodFooLibSources | 0.083 |
 | testGoodSnapshotMavenTest | 0.084 |
 | testGoodVersionKeywordInArtifactId | 0.114 |
 | testGoodDetectMavenTestPlugin | 0.142 |
 | testGoodDetectCoberturaMavenPlugin | 0.085 |
 | testToArtifactOnEmptyPath | 0.111 |
 | testToArtifactOnNullPath | 0.056 |
 | testToArtifactReferenceOnEmptyPath | 0.076 |
 | testToArtifactReferenceOnNullPath | 0.061 |
 | testGoodButDualExtensions | 0.065 |
 | testGoodLongSnapshotMavenTest | 0.054 |
 | testBadSnapshotWithoutReleasePart | 0.051 |
 | testClassifiedSnapshotMavenTest | 0.055 |
 | testNameExtensionJar | 0.003 |
 | testNameExtensionTarGz | 0 |
 | testNameExtensionTarBz2 | 0.001 |
 | testNameExtensionCapitolizedTarGz | 0 |
 | testNext | 0 |
 | testExpect | 0.003 |
 | testExpectWithRemaining | 0 |
 | testExpectWithRemainingDualExtensions | 0 |
 | testNextNonVersion | 0.001 |
 | testNextArbitraryNonVersion | 0 |
 | testNextJython | 0.001 |
 | testLongExtension | 0 |
 | testInterveningVersion | 0.001 |
 | testExpectWrongSnapshot | 0.001 |
 | testExpectWrongSnapshot2 | 0 |
 | testClassifier | 0.002 |
 | testNoExtension | 0 |
 | testBadPathMissingType | 0.074 |
 | testBadPathTooShort | 0.126 |
 | testGoodButOddVersionSpecGanymedSsh2 | 0.111 |
 | testGoodButOddVersionSpecJavaxComm | 0.105 |
 | testGoodButOddVersionSpecJavaxPersistence | 0.109 |
 | testGoodCommonsLang | 0.062 |
 | testGoodFooLibSources | 0.047 |
 | testGoodSnapshotMavenTest | 0.052 |
 | testGoodVersionKeywordInArtifactId | 0.052 |
 | testBadPathArtifactIdMissingA | 0.053 |
 | testBadPathArtifactIdMissingB | 0.057 |
 | testBadPathWrongPackageExtension | 0.061 |
 | testGoodDerby | 0.065 |
 | testGoodFooLibJavadoc | 0.086 |
 | testGoodFooTool | 0.054 |
 | testGoodGeronimoEjbSpec | 0.046 |
 | testGoodLdapClientsPom | 0.054 |
 | testGoodDetectPluginMavenTest | 0.054 |
 | testGoodDetectPluginAvalonMeta | 0.049 |
 | testGoodDetectPluginCactusMaven | 0.058 |
 | testGoodDetectPluginGeronimoPackaging | 0.048 |
 | testGoodButDualExtensions | 0.054 |
 | testBadClassifierFooLibSources | 0.06 |
 | testGoodFooLibTestSources | 0.048 |
 | testCustomExceptionsInArtifactResolution | 0.058 |
 | testToPathOnNullArtifactReference | 0.051 |
 | testGetVersionsBadArtifact | 0.082 |
 | testGetVersionsMissingMultipleVersions | 0.054 |
 | testGetVersionsSimple | 0.049 |
 | testGetVersionsSimpleYetIncomplete | 0.058 |
 | testGetVersionsSimpleYetMissing | 0.094 |
 | testGetVersionsSnapshotA | 0.098 |
 | testToMetadataPathFromProjectReference | 0.052 |
 | testToMetadataPathFromVersionReference | 0.055 |
 | testExcludeMetadataFile | 0.074 |
 | testBadPathMissingType | 0.049 |
 | testBadPathReleaseInSnapshotDir | 0.068 |
 | testBadPathTimestampedSnapshotNotInSnapshotDir | 0.047 |
 | testBadPathTooShort | 0.058 |
 | testBadPathVersionMismatchA | 0.055 |
 | testBadPathVersionMismatchB | 0.061 |
 | testBadPathWrongArtifactId | 0.054 |
 | testGoodButOddVersionSpecGanymedSsh2 | 0.077 |
 | testGoodButOddVersionSpecJavaxComm | 0.07 |
 | testGoodButOddVersionSpecJavaxPersistence | 0.049 |
 | testGoodComFooTool | 0.104 |
 | testGoodCommonsLang | 0.059 |
 | testGoodDashedArtifactId | 0.044 |
 | testGoodDotNotationArtifactId | 0.058 |
 | testGoodDotNotationSameGroupIdAndArtifactId | 0.086 |
 | testGoodFooLibSources | 0.057 |
 | testGoodSnapshotMavenTest | 0.051 |
 | testGoodVersionKeywordInArtifactId | 0.055 |
 | testGoodDetectMavenTestPlugin | 0.044 |
 | testGoodDetectCoberturaMavenPlugin | 0.06 |
 | testToArtifactOnEmptyPath | 0.053 |
 | testToArtifactOnNullPath | 0.045 |
 | testToArtifactReferenceOnEmptyPath | 0.059 |
 | testToArtifactReferenceOnNullPath | 0.059 |
 | testGetVersionsFromProjectReference | 0.34 |
 | testGetVersionsFromVersionedReference | 0.206 |
 | testGetRelatedArtifacts | 0.208 |
 | testBadPathMissingType | 0.118 |
 | testBadPathTooShort | 0.311 |
 | testGoodButOddVersionSpecGanymedSsh2 | 0.186 |
 | testGoodButOddVersionSpecJavaxComm | 0.172 |
 | testGoodButOddVersionSpecJavaxPersistence | 0.199 |
 | testGoodCommonsLang | 0.333 |
 | testGoodFooLibSources | 0.205 |
 | testGoodSnapshotMavenTest | 0.258 |
 | testGoodVersionKeywordInArtifactId | 0.341 |
 | testBadPathArtifactIdMissingA | 0.442 |
 | testBadPathArtifactIdMissingB | 0.297 |
 | testBadPathWrongPackageExtension | 0.258 |
 | testGoodDerby | 0.12 |
 | testGoodFooLibJavadoc | 0.188 |
 | testGoodFooTool | 0.111 |
 | testGoodGeronimoEjbSpec | 0.091 |
 | testGoodLdapClientsPom | 0.096 |
 | testGoodDetectPluginMavenTest | 0.099 |
 | testGoodDetectPluginAvalonMeta | 0.089 |
 | testGoodDetectPluginCactusMaven | 0.138 |
 | testGoodDetectPluginGeronimoPackaging | 0.135 |
 | testMaven1Maven2PluginTypeDistinc | 0.158 |
 | testBadPathMissingType | 0.066 |
 | testBadPathReleaseInSnapshotDir | 0.041 |
 | testBadPathTimestampedSnapshotNotInSnapshotDir | 0.043 |
 | testBadPathTooShort | 0.045 |
 | testBadPathVersionMismatchA | 0.046 |
 | testBadPathVersionMismatchB | 0.044 |
 | testBadPathWrongArtifactId | 0.041 |
 | testGoodButOddVersionSpecGanymedSsh2 | 0.047 |
 | testGoodButOddVersionSpecJavaxComm | 0.059 |
 | testGoodButOddVersionSpecJavaxPersistence | 0.1 |
 | testGoodComFooTool | 0.044 |
 | testGoodCommonsLang | 0.045 |
 | testGoodDashedArtifactId | 0.043 |
 | testGoodDotNotationArtifactId | 0.044 |
 | testGoodDotNotationSameGroupIdAndArtifactId | 0.107 |
 | testGoodFooLibSources | 0.061 |
 | testGoodSnapshotMavenTest | 0.043 |
 | testGoodVersionKeywordInArtifactId | 0.048 |
 | testGoodDetectMavenTestPlugin | 0.059 |
 | testGoodDetectCoberturaMavenPlugin | 0.047 |
 | testToArtifactOnEmptyPath | 0.043 |
 | testToArtifactOnNullPath | 0.041 |
 | testToArtifactReferenceOnEmptyPath | 0.046 |
 | testToArtifactReferenceOnNullPath | 0.039 |
 | testToPathOnNullArtifactReference | 0.045 |
 | testBadPathMissingType | 0.069 |
 | testBadPathTooShort | 0.059 |
 | testGoodButOddVersionSpecGanymedSsh2 | 0.121 |
 | testGoodButOddVersionSpecJavaxComm | 0.058 |
 | testGoodButOddVersionSpecJavaxPersistence | 0.046 |
 | testGoodCommonsLang | 0.062 |
 | testGoodFooLibSources | 0.053 |
 | testGoodSnapshotMavenTest | 0.048 |
 | testGoodVersionKeywordInArtifactId | 0.06 |
 | testBadPathArtifactIdMissingA | 0.074 |
 | testBadPathArtifactIdMissingB | 0.09 |
 | testBadPathWrongPackageExtension | 0.064 |
 | testGoodDerby | 0.048 |
 | testGoodFooLibJavadoc | 0.077 |
 | testGoodFooTool | 0.057 |
 | testGoodGeronimoEjbSpec | 0.057 |
 | testGoodLdapClientsPom | 0.063 |
 | testGoodDetectPluginMavenTest | 0.318 |
 | testGoodDetectPluginAvalonMeta | 0.08 |
 | testGoodDetectPluginCactusMaven | 0.394 |
 | testGoodDetectPluginGeronimoPackaging | 0.064 |
 | testMaven1Maven2PluginTypeDistinc | 0.107 |
 | testInvalidRequestEmptyPath | 0.433 |
 | testInvalidRequestSlashOnly | 0.149 |
 | testInvalidRequestNoArtifactId | 0.176 |
 | testInvalidLegacyRequestBadLocation | 0.082 |
 | testInvalidRequestTooShort | 0.2 |
 | testInvalidDefaultRequestBadLocation | 0.193 |
 | testValidLegacyGanymed | 0.133 |
 | testValidDefaultGanymed | 0.139 |
 | testValidLegacyJavaxComm | 0.101 |
 | testValidDefaultJavaxComm | 0.108 |
 | testValidLegacyJavaxPersistence | 0.117 |
 | testValidDefaultJavaxPersistence | 0.105 |
 | testValidLegacyMavenTestPlugin | 0.103 |
 | testValidDefaultMavenTestPlugin | 0.171 |
 | testValidLegacyCommonsLangJavadoc | 0.07 |
 | testValidDefaultCommonsLangJavadoc | 0.069 |
 | testValidLegacyDerbyPom | 0.069 |
 | testValidDefaultDerbyPom | 0.07 |
 | testValidLegacyGeronimoEjbSpec | 0.057 |
 | testValidDefaultGeronimoEjbSpec | 0.065 |
 | testValidLegacyLdapSnapshot | 0.078 |
 | testValidDefaultLdapSnapshot | 0.075 |
 | testValidLegacyTestArchSnapshot | 0.221 |
 | testValidDefaultTestArchSnapshot | 0.181 |
 | testValidLegacyOddDottedArtifactId | 0.17 |
 | testValidDefaultOddDottedArtifactId | 0.255 |
 | testValidLegacyTimestampedSnapshot | 0.13 |
 | testValidDefaultTimestampedSnapshot | 0.071 |
 | testIsSupportFile | 0.093 |
 | testIsMetadata | 0.061 |
 | testIsMetadataSupportFile | 0.057 |
 | testIsDefault | 0.057 |
 | testIsLegacy | 0.077 |
 | testToNativePathArtifactDefaultToDefaultDualExtension | 0.066 |
 | testToNativePathArtifactLegacyToDefaultDualExtension | 0.07 |
 | testToNativePathMetadataDefaultToDefault | 0.064 |
 | testNativePathPomLegacyToDefault | 0.075 |
 | testNativePathPomLegacyToLegacy | 0.061 |
 | testNativePathPomLegacyToDefaultEjb | 0.063 |
 | testNativePathPomLegacyToLegacyEjb | 0.063 |
 | testNativePathPomLegacyToLegacyStrutsModule | 0.078 |
 | testNativePathSupportFileLegacyToDefault | 0.069 |
 | testNativePathBadRequestTooShort | 0.121 |
 | testNativePathBadRequestBlank | 0.162 |
 | testNativePathBadRequestNull | 0.117 |
 | testNativePathBadRequestUnknownType | 0.095 |
 | testToNativePathLegacyMetadataDefaultToLegacy | 0.123 |
 | testNativePathPomDefaultToLegacy | 0.121 |
 | testNativePathSupportFileDefaultToLegacy | 0.18 |
 | testGatherSnapshotVersionsA | 0.24 |
 | testGatherSnapshotVersionsAWithProxies | 0.14 |
 | testGetRepositorySpecificName | 0.074 |
 | testUpdateProjectNonExistingVersion | 0.193 |
 | testUpdateProjectMissingMultipleVersions | 0.119 |
 | testUpdateProjectMissingMultipleVersionsWithProxies | 0.269 |
 | testUpdateProjectSimpleYetIncomplete | 0.143 |
 | testUpdateProjectSimpleYetMissing | 0.072 |
 | testUpdateVersionSimple10 | 0.082 |
 | testUpdateVersionSimple20 | 0.105 |
 | testUpdateVersionSimple20NotSnapshot | 0.115 |
 | testUpdateVersionSnapshotA | 0.141 |
 | testToPathFromVersionReference | 0.09 |
 | testToPathFromProjectReference | 0.081 |
 | testToProjectReferenceFooTools | 0.062 |
 | testToProjectReferenceAReallyLongPath | 0.076 |
 | testToProjectReferenceCommonsLang | 0.102 |
 | testToVersionedReferenceFooTool | 0.071 |
 | testToVersionedReferenceAReallyLongPath | 0.154 |
 | testToVersionedReferenceCommonsLang | 0.099 |
 | testToVersionedReferenceSnapshot | 0.074 |
 | testBuildEffectiveProject | 0.435 |
 | testBuildEffectiveSnapshotProject | 0.264 |
 | testEffectiveProjectProperty | 0.142 |
 | testEffectiveProjectPropertyExistingParentHasUniqueSnapshotVersion | 0.075 |
 | testResolveSnapshotUniqueVersionPresent | 0.153 |
 | testResolveSnapshotGenericVersionPresent | 0.174 |
 | testResolveSuccessful | 0.133 |
 | testResolveNotFound | 0.119 |
 | testProtocolHttp | 0.001 |
 | testProtocolWagonWebdav | 0 |
 | testProtocolHttpWithPort | 0 |
 | testProtocolHttpWithUsername | 0 |
 | testProtocolHttpWithUsernamePassword | 0 |
 | testProtocolHttpWithUsernamePasswordPort | 0 |
 | testGetSelectedKnownIds | 0.157 |
 | testGetSelectedInvalidIds | 0.122 |
 | testGetSelectedKnownConsumerMap | 0.092 |
 | testGetSelectedInvalidConsumerMap | 0.073 |
 | testGetAvailableKnownList | 0.056 |
 | testGetAvailableInvalidList | 0.064 |
 | testExecution | 0.1 |
 | testTimestampRepositoryScanner | 0.587 |
 | testTimestampRepositoryScannerFreshScan | 0.149 |
 | testTimestampRepositoryScannerProcessUnmodified | 0.106 |
 | testDefaultRepositoryScanner | 0.284 |
 | testDefaultRepositoryArtifactScanner | 0.137 |
 | testDefaultRepositoryMetadataScanner | 0.153 |
 | testDefaultRepositoryProjectScanner | 0.245 |
 | testLegacyRepositoryArtifactScanner | 0.077 |