Class Messages

    • Method Detail

      • getString

        public static String getString​(String key)
        Get a Message as-is from the Resource Bundle.
        key - the key for the message to get.
        the value of the key, or "!key!" if the key is not found.
      • getString

        public static String getString​(String key,
                                       Object arg)
        Gets a Message from the Resource Bundle, with {1} and {2} style arguments.
        key - the key for the message to get.
        arg - the argument to pass in.
        the value of the key, or "!key!" if the key is not found.
      • getString

        public static String getString​(String key,
                                       Object[] args)
        Gets a Message from the Resource Bundle, with {1} and {2} style arguments.
        key - the key for the message to get.
        args - the arguments to pass in.
        the value of the key, or "!key!" if the key is not found.